Premiere of the Ukrainian-Indonesian collaborative performance ERROR: by GOGOLFEST / Dakh Theatre and Gema Citra Nusantara

The site-specific performance ERROR is about global and personal mistakes, about events that become fatal and cause irreversible changes. With the support of the Ukrainian Institute, the world premiere will take place at the Jakarta International Theatre Platform.

In a Ukrainian-Indonesian collaboration between the largest multidisciplinary festival of contemporary art in Ukraine GogolFest, which received an official EFFE label and got in the Top 5 European most remarkable arts festivals by European Festival Association in 2019, the Center of Contemporary Art Dakh with a thirty-year history of theatre, music, performance, and Gema Citra Nusantara, the team will jointly ask questions that need to be answered about future, dignity and personal challenges. 

For the Ukrainian Institute, initiating this collaboration was crucial not only to foster international cultural exchange but also to highlight the resilience and creativity of Ukraine amidst its challenges. This collaboration is particularly significant for the Ukrainian Institute because it allows Ukraine to share its unique perspective on global challenges and political complexities. Engaging in meaningful dialogues with the world is vital for promoting understanding and solidarity. 

The performance will be an example of the intersection of traditional culture and technological progress. Using modern means, combining live filming, animation, computer processing and artificial intelligence, along with acting, music and singing from two countries. By referring to the elements of water, wind and fire as the eternal rulers of the Earth, the team aims to re-establish the lost human connection with nature. 

By combining tradition and technology, the performance will be a powerful emotional and physical experience.