Communication projects
Український інститут не має класів або курсів із вивчення української мови, але ми пропонуємо вам широкий вибір онлайн-ресурсів, які допоможуть у вивченні мови від базового до високого рівня.
Colori Spenti
The project Colori Spenti (Faded Colours) tells the stories of artists whose lives and work have been intertwined with the tragic events of Russian aggression in Ukraine.
The Smallest Support
“The Smallest Support” campaign spread the messages of gratitude from Ukrainians throughout Europe.
Postcards from Ukraine
The project “Postcards from Ukraine” aims to record and demonstrate the damage caused to the Ukrainian culture by the Russian troops.
Culture Fights Back
The Culture Fights Back project to share stories of artists and civil society representatives who have joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Ukraine’s Cultural Diplomacy Month on Wikipedia
The campaign is designed to create more articles about Ukraine and its culture in Ukrainian and other languages in Wikipedia.
Assigned Culture
The project is aimed at countering Russian disinformation narratives and promoting Ukrainian culture among the populations of Germany and Austria.
Ukraine in 2 Minutes
The 2 minutes videos explain international audience key highlights of Ukrainian history and culture and debunk the myths and stereotypes about Ukraine.
10 Things Everyone Should Know About Ukraine
Ten short films tell about famous figures, historical and cultural events in Ukraine, and invite to see Ukraine of ХІХ-ХХI in the local and world contexts.
National communities of Ukraine in the war against Russia
An international digital campaign about representatives of different national communities in Ukraine in the fight against Russian aggression.
We are Crimea
The project aims to recall people’s lives after the occupation, people’s rights violations, and persecutions in Crimea.
Selected articles published in the aftermath of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
Genocide Speech Monitor
Genocide Speech Monitor is a project developed to highlight the level of genocidal rhetoric in the country's information space, using public statements made by authorities. Data is collected from open sources and analyzed by AI.